brown algae please help

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J rider

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2004
My tank is a 55 gallon that was set up on Sept 28th with 4 plants and 4 zebra danios. The tank was set up with plant substrate mixed with gravel and 2x60 watt bulbs that I leave on about 8-10 hours per day. I have a Fluval canister filter. After 4 weeks I never really got any spike in levels and for about 2 1/2 weeks the tank has been coated with brown algae. The levels now ammonia = 0 nitrites = 0 nitrates = 0 pH = 7.5, general hardness = 8. I have done 5 water changes, one every other day this week (I plan to do). I only fertilized with Kents for the first time yesterday.

Since the tank looked terrible and the algae has killed one plant by now I knew I had to something more.

Yesterday I went to a reputable fish store with amazing show tanks and I asked a lot of questions and went home with $80 in plants, 3 more zebra danios and 6 otocinclus.

The fish look really healthy. The danios were rubbing each other and dropping eggs like all day! I will eventually get a separate tank so I can raise some fry.

Please help me to save my plants from brown algae.


In addition could you please tell me how and what you prepare your new water with for a water change. I already have a slightly high pH and hardness so I would rather not add to that.
I think you will find that your 6 otocinclus will do the job..i had the same problem after i set up my tank and i added 3 of them and they cleared it in a few days...i haven't had any sign of brown algae the way from what I'm told and what i read, brown algae is normal for a new tank
brown diatom algae is indeed normal for any new tank. sometimes more intense lighting helps minimize it, or makes it clear up sooner.
Diatom algae is unlikely to kill a plant. You have a moderate amount of light...120watts over 55 gallons...just a smidge over 2watts per gallon. With only 2 bulbs, you'll have dim areas in the front and back, so plants won't do as well there.
And plants with high light demands won't do well in the tank at all, so unless you're upgrading the lighting, steer clear of anything that's medium/high light. Stick to low light and low/medium for a good success rate.

You're also at a light level where some injected CO2 will be beneficial.
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