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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 11, 2003
Kew Gardens, NY
It's 15 degrees outside as I write this. My landlord (God bless him) has the heat cranked up so it's a toasty 75 degrees inside. My tanks are holding steady at 82 degrees, but I do worry sometimes since they are next to a north-facing outside wall. I'm thinking of getting a spare heater just in case the one I have decides to die.

I'm off to Long Island this weekend and I hope to visit the beach! I love the beach in the winter. It's very peaceful - you just have to bundle up in layers and wear a mask and gloves. I especially like the patterns in the sand that are created by the wind and waves. In the summer, the park grooms the beach, destroying these patterns and whatever washes up.
It's 13 degrees now and snowing.

I too love the beach in the winter, but I rarely have the courage to go there when it's cold! Take some pics!!

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