Bubble tip awesomeness!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 30, 2012

So I got a bubble tip today and this is what he did. Really!! He is so wedged in there, that you can barely see him. COOL.
No it's white with pink tips. Just looks blue under the actinic LEDs.
Sarcasm for sure. It's lame. I'm not really a fan of the problems anemones cause but my clown kept hosting my candy cane, so I figured I'd try another. And this is what I get. Sheesh!
Clowns hosting a candy cane...? Really? And sorry its hard to comprehend sarsasm when you type it..
Clowns can host with whatever. I've even seen them do it with powerheads. Issue is that they can irritate coral to death, which is prob the case with the candy cane. Mine is with my flower pot...there are 2 bta in the tank. Anemone being present doesn't mean it'll move to it. Try printing out a picture of a clown housing an anemone and taping it to the tank to help promote the move. Most tank bred clowns don't know any better since they have never seen an anemone before.
Yes the clown occasionally wiggles right down in between 4 heads of my candy cane and the coral is starting to get pissed. I just got the bubble tip today and I'm sure he will host it sooner or later but not with it buried in my rock work.
Seems to be the LEDs now that the actinics are on it is big again. Too bright??
Well it's definitely white with pinkish tips. Hopefully it will come back.
It is a bubble tip which is very bleached, he main thing that causes a BTA to "bleach" or lose its coloration is lack or sufficient light killing off the symbiotic algae in its tissues. Such a condition if not remedied will eventually cause for the anemones demise. What lighting do you have? At this stage it will slowly waste away. With good lighting, preferably MH, and pristine stable water conditions, and some small feedings, you might have a chance to save it. I would take it back.
Well I got it about a week ago now. And that's what color it was when I got it. I have it in my 55 gallon with pretty good water parameters and LEDs. It's about half way down the tank in the rocks. Should I turn up my lights?
Maybe ph swings from my fuge lights bothering it? I've noticed about an hour before the daylights go off it deflates. And for the rest of the 2 hours the actinics are on it starts comming back again.
Again?? seems like every other night this nem keeps closing up around the same time.
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