Bucket Cycling?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 10, 2012
I like many people, bought my fish before I cycled my tank. Now I am stuck with an 2 uncyled tanks and 4 fish. 2 are bettas and I have tried dividing a tank but one got stuck in the dividers and was injured.
I was searching the Internet about cycling when I found something about bucket cycling. I haven't been able to find any articles about it, but it seems like it would work.
Basically you take a container and put your filter in it. You then put any other things to go in your tank that bacteria would live on. You then cycle this container and grow your ammonia eating bacteria then your nitrite eating bacteria, like you would in a fishless cycle.
Then you move the filter, things and water into your tank, once the bucket is cycling.
Do you guys reckon I should try this? Do you think it will work?
Also does bacteria grow in sand? I am probably going to switch from gravel to sand.
If this works, I can't see why it isn't widespread. It is a much safer alternative to fish in cycling I think.
Am I already cycling? I suppose that would make sense. *Slaps head* I just assumed that since I am changing the water to get rid ammonia that I won't be leaving enough ammonia for the bacteria to consume.
I'll be getting my water test kit by Friday, it's being mailed down. So I suppose I'll see if I have some nitrites or nitrates in my water then! I really hope I do, I would have nearly finished or finished the cycle with even trying!
+1 with Mumma, you're already fish IN cycling. Fish are constantly releasing ammonia so the BB is being fed. It may take longer to complete the cycle because you have to keep the ammonia low but its still going through the process. Now you might be able to speed up the cycling process in the bucket because you could dose with straight ammonia but I don't think it would speed it up that much & in the mean time you'd still have to maintain the tanks with fish.
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