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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2003
okay, lets say i found an ant outside of my house and i have some goldfish, would it be ok if i fed the ant to my goldfish?
Doubt the goldfish would eat the ant or even notice it. I have fed crickets to some meat eating fish before. I would also be concerned about the possibility of the ant stinging the goldfish.
My pond goldfish/koi love insects. I sit out there with a flyswatter, and hit anything that touches the patio and throw it in. They love that. Nothing better than spending a nice evening by the pond swatting flys for the fish.
If you think about the nature of the thing, bugs end up in the water and someones got the eat them. I know one fish that would eat them: PUFFERS! They like human flesh, i learned that the hard way not too long ago.

I know one fish that would eat them: PUFFERS! They like human flesh, i learned that the hard way not too long ago.

Been there, done that, I feel...er felt your pain....
If they die, don't feed them more. Try maybe pieces of worm before whole things. Just pinch the worm with your thumb nail against your index finger and poof, two worms.
i feed my puffer meal worms all the time. i don't think ants are a very good idea. many ants are armed with venom of some sort.
Our cichlids eat anything they love algea, staple flakes, cichlid pellets, crickets, superworms, houseflys, you name it they eat it, ; ) the only thing I have had issues with was tubefix worms caused malawi bloat, but that was long back before I knew better. :?

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