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I wanna know what kind of things from nature i can feed my goldfish, they are pretty big, ask conanthelibrarian. I WIll try the worms but i don't want any diseases to be introduced to my tank, or anything like venom
Are you that strapped for cash that you can't afford food? They might eat bugs, but all things considered is it really worth the chance?

My advice, buy some flake food.

haha yea i have flake food and these sinking sticks, but i am just curious ya know?
Felipe, Say you had goldfish in your pond, what kinds of food would these fish eat? Bugs like worms, small beetles stuff like that would get into the pond and the fish would probably eat them. Get what I'm saying?
With any live food you do run the risk of introducing diseases. However, I have fed crickets and earthworms to my fish before. out in the pond, they eat almost anything. I don't reccomend trying this, but I saw one of my big gold fish eat a wasp (yellowjacket) that was struggling in the water. Fish never died or had any behavior change at all. I think goldfish are too stupid to die! :mrgreen:
I read somewhere that crickets are very high in ammonia and are not good to feed to aquarium fish. I don't remember where I read it though. Just a thought.
RogerMcAllen said:
corvuscorax said:
I think goldfish are too stupid to die! :mrgreen:
I'll second that, mine try to eat beatles that will never fit into their mouths.

Yea man, i'll third that, my goldfish eat the bottom feeder wafers and those couldn't fit in their mouths, i posted about it like a month ago
If you are concerned about what bugs have. A good practice is to gutload your crickets then let them clean thierselves out all you gotta do is put food in thier container and wait three days before feeding them to your fish or what ever animals around that may want one or two . Thats what I do with the crickets just because I like to know what is going through them.
yv1 said:
crickets can live on corn flakes for the longest time!
True. There is also a product called Gutload as I believe was previously mentioned. We feed that to the crickets here before the Bearded Dragon gets them. Also, you can put a slice of potato in with the crickets so they can get water...they'll suck it out of the potato. FWIW, I occasionally feed my rainbows the tiny baby crickets called pinheads. They love them. The puffer likes the larger ones. I don't use them as a staple food though...more like a treat.
Logan J
Crickets will actually go to the potato to die. Have you ever noticed that logan?
pretty cool,
I put in apple, orange peels, Potato, Wheat germ, and Cichlid flakes.
them seem to do okay.

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