Bugs parasites or no

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
I have a forty gallon tank and I realized the other day I had a few bugs inside the tank when I went to drown them they just popped right back up to the surface they're green little nat looking bugs and I don't know what they are any help plz
Those sound like bugs we get in our ponds (until the mesquito fish eat them). Did you recently add any plants or could they have gotten in from outside? If they are living on top of the water (or breeding there) I don't know what to tell you to do to get rid of them. Other than a top feeding fish that would normally eat such bugs.

A picture would really help.
They're so tiny it won't show on camera but they look like tiny white fleas and they crawl around alot on the side of the tank I also had these green nat Lookin bugs and everytime I pushed it under water it would fly out of the water they're not hurting my fish or nything

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