Bullfrog help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 27, 2014
About six months ago I got bullfrog tadpole (kind of by accident) and he is just now finally almost a frog.
He still has most of his tail, when do I need to take him out of the tank he is in now and place him in his own habitat? Also, how deep does the water need to be in his own habitat?
Any tips for keeping a bullfrog would be much appreciated!
You want to separate him ASAP as bullfrogs have voracious appetites and will eat anything and everything they can get in their mouths, including other bullfrogs. They get quite large (dinner plate size), so he will need a fairly large habitat and you want the water deep enough that he can submerge if he desires, but so that he can also get out of the water if he wants to, so you will need deeper water with shallow spots (create them buy building up flagstone or some other type of flat rock). Hopefully that helps.
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