
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hopefully a moderator comes in and clears this up or locks this thread. This could turn into a flame war.

On another note - what reason does kdogg have to lie about this story?

I'm sure this conversation could be a peaceful civilised discussion. Arguing on the internet seems pointless to me.

Ahh well - us Australins must be wired differently - we all would have been at the pub having a good laugh by now.
Guys listen, one guy saying I am a lying,misinformed,paranoia spreading ding dong isn't going to run me off. The others who called me the same but with decency aren't either. There are ways about doing things and that's the way they have picked to do it. That's cool"freedom of speech"

Now, in their defense, the story I posted is very easily fiction because it is the equivilant of saying E.T. stopped by and we went to lunch and discussed the latest topics around the galaxy. And,as I have no hard evidence to back myself up nor can I obtain any because I was not a directly affected party,just a witness. I asked if I was able to get a police report as was told no for this reason.

Now, they way I was called a liar was extreme to say the least. A simple "you are full of bolony" and "prove it" would have done the same without causing all this upraoar. And whatever that acronym was that he put up,I don't know what it means,but they way Etunes replied, it should be left in the mind and not relayed to others.

Taking the time to look up all these facts or opinions and all of the driving the point I am paranoid,full of alarmism, and as well while not typing it, saying some others who posted on this thread are"simple minded sheep who believe anything they see on tv." That's what I take from the posts. Agree or disagree, that's cool. And posting a pic of himself aiming a pistol at the screen on a site not meant for that stuff.

Granted, I wrote about a fish doing something very vulgar to someone, I deleted that sentence because that was being an idiot and not using the brain. Hopefully nobody showed that to anyone else and deemed this site as a bunch of ding dongs without any sense at all.

I'm in a spot with Jello for evidence when I need concrete. I put this story up because it pertained to a fish and this is a fish site. I really did not mean for it to head south like it did. I think I'll stick to the Q and A after all the trouble and uproar this has caused, unless I get banned which I will totally understand.
Just a little bureaucracy sprinkled in there for everyone. I can't wait to see what conclusions are in store for me.
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Debate is a very good thing. The manner in which it is done is another thing entirely. I have no problem with; "I don't believe that", or "having a hard time seeing any truth in that", or something similar. Let's skip any further name calling.

I think this is a very informative thread, and a heck of a debate by the way! But any further name calling or mean spirited discussion will cause this thread to get locked up or worse. If any one has any question about what is or isn't mean spirited, PM me. I do believe any adult not on serious meds knows the dif between being mean spirited and direct.

Again, good debate and informative stuff IMO. Let's keep it going without the other "stuff". Thanks all.
P.S. - as some may have noticed, I edited a few of the posts. I haven't sent PM explaining why which is pretty much a standard when Mods do that. If any expanation is needed, PM me.
I didnt read i just see alot of what Heath said but may i poke a hole in the story (i cant not say it being a snakehead/monster fish fan. They would not come out and hunt the people, lol. They come out of water and breathe so they can go to a new water source for food. THAT is why they are so dangerous in the wild. lol, you made them sound like a tiger on the hunt.

Heh, yeah, I was waiting for you to chime in. ;) These guys sound right up your alley.
kdogg that is very big of you and i hope you stick to the long hall is we need people like you for this site. Heath, yes, snakeheads are great and if i didnt live in th US i would have these creatures in a heartbeat. There pretty and a awesome predator.

Personally i hope people post things like this more often as i found it entertaining and that kind of stuff is fine for this site.
kdogg that is very big of you and i hope you stick to the long hall is we need people like you for this site. Heath, yes, snakeheads are great and if i didnt live in th US i would have these creatures in a heartbeat. There pretty and a awesome predator.

Personally i hope people post things like this more often as i found it entertaining and that kind of stuff is fine for this site.

I like Arapaima too. There are a lot of great looking monsters out there.
Well if we are getting to are favirotes it would have to be snakehead, stingray, and bichirs.
same, snakehead is one of my favorite pets lol, i would still keep one even if i did live in the US, i would just never tell anyone about it ^_^
Bichirs are amazing! I would definitely love to have more. I am planning on getting a Dusky Panther Goby because it looks so cool! I would love to have a snakehead! I want a sting ray but I read about them some and they are super high maintenance.
I would love to have a stingray also. My cousin has a 150g set up with just two stingrays and he says they can be high maintence.
I was reading that among keepers of sting rays there is a term called SRDS, or sudden ray death syndrome, where all the water parameters can be right and for no apparent reason the fish die. I would be devastated, not only because they are so expensive.
Cant we all just get along and drink some brew..haha hey depending on how long ago this "bs" or "not bs" (not taking sides on this cuz the entertainment and informative value is great!) story happened can we still BBQ them? Wonder if they taste good?

had to lighten the mood..haha
Personally I'm not going to vote on BS or not BS. Living near the mountains I see county deputies shooting at things they probably shouldn't.

However, the hype about the snakehead (an awesome looking fish I might add) runs along the same hype as piranha. Yes they can mess up an entire ecosystem, yes they can be top dog predator, yes they can hurt a human, but really? What are the chances?
I grew up in Florida, people let their pet piranhas free in the waterways, leading to an eventual ban on importing, selling and owning them into the state. I swam and canoed in those same waterways. Know what scared me the most? The friggin water moccasins. Those were really the only critters that came near any of us. Gators, bull sharks, piranha all swam there, but those friggin water moccasins (cotton mouths to you Yankees) would come right up to you or the boat and follow you around, or try to get into the boat.

The chances of an actual attack are about the same as a shark attack I'm sure. In case some haven't figured it out, the government and the media like to make mountains out of mole hills.
The thing is it is not that they are dangerous to humans necessarily, it is the damage to the ecosystem. And i have kept rays and i have never found them difficult once you get things balanced.
Bronco, of course people eat them! That's how they ended up in the pond in MD apparently. An Asian guy wanted to make some special soup for his sister because she was sick. Well, he got the fish, his sister wasn't sick anymore, so he released the fish into the pond.

I am going to post a video, and you tell me if you would let your kids or your own toes swish around in the water. In case you don't hear him, he is using a rubber frog as bait.

YouTube - River Monsters: Bullseye Snakehead

There is another video too, of him in Thailand spear fishing with one of the locals, and the local guy has scars all over his feet from bites.
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