Calico crab grabing at fish. What to do?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 30, 2010
I have a calico crab in my 100 gallon aquarium. I have seen him grab a damsel that was swimming close to the bottom. He also ate a whole dead bi color angel. This morning I can't find my pajama cardinal who was doing fine last night. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I can drop to the bottom so he will stop eating my fish? Please help!
You`ll need to get him out of the tank. He`s just being a crab. You can get him out with the tilted glass trick. Almost sounds like sally light foot crab.
Get him out!!!!! I think there pretty awesome but crabs will be crabs and crabs like to eat fish
Time to issue the eviction notice for your crab. They can be nasty tenants.
I have a similar issue with a predatory crab. Try the tilted glass for a couple of nights, but you may need to remove the rock it hides in.
A clawless tank is a happy tank. Tilt a glass against the rock it lives/hides in and bait the glass with some food. It may take a few nights, but the crab does generally fall for the trap.
Generally....unless you have my crab :( I've been laying the glass right up against the rock he hides in and all I have caught are snails and hermits. I can even see him come most of the way out of the rock....just not into the glass. The problem is that the rock is on the very bottom of the tank and partially in the sand.

The faster you can get them out the better! I've lost fish to this guy. Lots of snails and even a fair number of zoas.

This is the same type of crab that I have:

My wife thinks I'm crazy when I'm by the tank with a LED headlamp and a fondue skewer

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