Can anyone give me 'good' advice?!! --- Goldfish Q's

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So it looks like I am going to have to say goodbye to my little friends and try and find them a good home? We just dont have the room for a big tank. What a shame. Im quite sad about that. If I rehome them to someone with a pond with big fish, they wont get eaten by the bigger fish will they?

I am going to start some internet searches and see if I can find somewhere that might take them.

So that I dont make the same mistake again, what is the best type of fish for me to get for a tank that isnt 'long'? As you know I did want a bioorb 60L tank but want to make abstolutely sure that I am not going to be putting fish into it that wont be happy.

Thank you again for your help, Im really glad i found this forum and have learned a bit more about fish, I think I will hang around for a while :)
So it looks like I am going to have to say goodbye to my little friends and try and find them a good home? We just dont have the room for a big tank. What a shame. Im quite sad about that. If I rehome them to someone with a pond with big fish, they wont get eaten by the bigger fish will they?

I am going to start some internet searches and see if I can find somewhere that might take them.

So that I dont make the same mistake again, what is the best type of fish for me to get for a tank that isnt 'long'? As you know I did want a bioorb 60L tank but want to make abstolutely sure that I am not going to be putting fish into it that wont be happy.

Thank you again for your help, Im really glad i found this forum and have learned a bit more about fish, I think I will hang around for a while :)

Sorry you have to rehome your friends, but kudos to you for trying to do the right thing. :)

IMO, a Biorb is little more than a very overpriced, glorified fishbowl. The surface area of the tank is such that you wouldn't be able to stock it as you would a normal rectangular tank, and if I remember correctly the filtration is a junky air pump driven undergravel filter. In all honesty, it would be a lot easier for you to piece together a rectangular tank of similar size rather than having to work within the confines of what the Biorb has to offer. Again, this is JMO.
Kudos for making the tough decision to rehome your fish. As far as bigger pond fish goes, your fish at 10cm should be big enough to handle themselves with any other goldfish, even full grown adults. <Goldies are schooling fish, and are not aggressive against their own. Although small frys may be eaten, once the fish is big enough to be recognizably a goldfish - 6 months old or so - they should be safe.>

Of course, there may be issues with other big pond fish. I would be a bit wary putting them in with a big catfish. There may also be competition issues with big koi. <The big koi will eat all the food, so you have to take special care to feed the small goldies.>

As far as new tanks goes, I agree with severum mama. The bioorbs have low carrying capacity for the volume. You will ahve much better choice of fish with the standard rectangular tank. <That 60l bioorb you are looking at prob has no more carrying capacity as your current 30l setup.>
News - a happy ending

I have good news, there is a girl from work who has a huge pond with lots of very well cared after goldfish, comets etc I told her the size of mine, she said they would be fine and be very spoilt as they have lots of spawn to eat and they feed them once a day in summer, have little fountain thingy and alsorts. I am sad but very happy at the same time because I know my fish will love it! :)

Once again I want to thank you for your help and everyone thats commented. It feels good to actually know a bit more about fish! I am not going to get the bioorb but will look at some other tanks and smaller fish. I will be back to check the tank and fish are compatable though so you havent heard the last of me! :lol:
Wow, great news for your goldfish! Maybe you'll be able to visit them sometime. :)

Are you in the UK? If you like the all in one look, maybe you could look into the Juwel tanks. I see a lot of UK aquarists using those and they seem to be really popular.

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