Can anyone identify this Aenmone?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 14, 2005
The tips have a hint of brown but I have zero actual experience w/ these
creatures and I'm worried at it's near solid white coloration as I've read that that is bad.

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I agree. From the tentacle structure I would say Condy. If the foot is orange or pinkish then I would say for sure that it is a condy. Not the most reef safe anemone. They tend to walk all over the tank, and clowns for the most part will not host in them.
I agree. From the tentacle structure I would say Condy. If the foot is orange or pinkish then I would say for sure that it is a condy. Not the most reef safe anemone. They tend to walk all over the tank, and clowns for the most part will not host in them.

Yeah I called the LFS after I posted this and he said he didn't know what it was called..."Something like a Condy" he says. HA HA!
He also told me that it would be great for my Clown.
Gotta love small town LFS who are in it strictly for the money.
Gotta love small town LFS who are in it strictly for the money.

Which is even more of a reason to research stuff BEFORE you bring it home. Not coming down hard on you or anything because we've all been there and it takes a lot of control when you see something that's just screaming your name! But when I go into a LFS looking for corals, I usually have a "short list" of corals in my head that I've researched and figured out where I'd put it in my tank if I found one to my liking. And most important... I don't buy anything that's not on that "short list."

I know everyone's different, and that's just my strategy. But you really do have to research stuff before buying unless you want a lot of "learning experiences" that can be costly.
Which is even more of a reason to research stuff BEFORE you bring it home. Not coming down hard on you or anything because we've all been there and it takes a lot of control when you see something that's just screaming your name! But when I go into a LFS looking for corals, I usually have a "short list" of corals in my head that I've researched and figured out where I'd put it in my tank if I found one to my liking. And most important... I don't buy anything that's not on that "short list."

I know everyone's different, and that's just my strategy. But you really do have to research stuff before buying unless you want a lot of "learning experiences" that can be costly.

Wow, I sure am glad I have the option to return it and trade it for something else.
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