Can anyone tell me all about mystery snail eggs???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 9, 2003
I found some pinkish round snail eggs at the edge of my tank and want all the information i can get. Thanks.
Can you be more specific? What sort of information?

How to remove them? or How to raise them?

Do nothing and you'll have more snails than you can imagine.
I remember babying my first snail, OMG, I almost had a heart attack when the poor little guy got stuck in the filter intake.

After the initial 'parental stage', the novelty wore off and I just let them do whatever they wanted. Now, I have dozens of snails in the tank. I try to take out a dozen or so every water change.

That is the best advice. If you want to get rid of snails then scrap off those eggs and make sur ethey don't fall in the tank. If you want to keep them then do nothing. If this batch doesn't mature another certainly will. With snails it is only a matter of time. Snails grow slowly though so don't go expecting some big monster snail in 1 week. I grow ram's horn snails and they take months to get any real size to them.
Just curious about how long they take to hatch and when snails usually lay eggs and how often. My snails have grown very rapidly in the short time that i have had them. I think this is the fourth bunch of eggs i have found. The other three were times when i was cleaning the tank. I just got rid of them because i didn't care but now i am curious.
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