Can I have a betta with this tank? (Also question on other fish)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 1, 2011
I have pictures now to go along with my question. I have a 5 gallon aquarium and I really wanted to get a betta. My concern is the hole in the back where the filter is. Do you think the betta could jump out? Since they're known for jumping to their deaths at times.

Also, I was looking into ghost shrimp to help keep the tank clean. I saw that some bettas eat the shrimp/the shrimp sometimes attack the betta. So my question is, is this true? If so, what would be a good fish to put in the tank to help keep it clean? I saw somewhere online about dwarf catfish that are meant to keep the tanks clean and they remain small. I just don't want my betta hurting another fish/another fish hurting my betta. Would it just be best to keep my betta only and nothing else in the tank?

Here's my tank. It's not much now, I just have 2 small plastic plants and some gravel. I plan on getting more gravel and something for fish to swim through though. The tank is cycling right now. :D

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


The hole I'm concerned about the betta jumping out of.


and the tank so far, heater,filter, gravel,plants. It's not much compared to the nice tanks most people on here have but I'll eventually make it nicer before I get a fish.


Random question, but also is it okay to put my heater so close to my filter?
I would be very surprised if a betta jumped through that hole. Am I saying that it is 100% impossible that you will get the olympian jumpers of betta's and he'll jump out? No. But personally I would put a betta in there without worry.

Heater by the filter in take is fine I think too.

As far as betta aggression, it really depends on the betta. Some bettas will ignore other fish, others will be very aggressive. A general idea is that if you avoid other fish that resemble a betta (gourami, guppies.. avoid long flowing fins and upturned mouths usually) you are safer.

I can't speak to shrimp and bettas. My guess is you will find people that kept them together with no issue, and others that have had problems.

Dwarf corys stay small, are very peaceful, and look nothing like a betta :) They prefer to be in schools so you would want 3 or 4 of them probably... I think you would still be fine as far as bio-load as long as you keep up with weekly partial water changes.
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