Can I have one more fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 27, 2010
Ok I have my lone tetra in a 3 gallon and 4 aquatic frogs was lookin to keep the tetra company what else is decent and hearty just 1 more small fish?
Get rid of the tetra and get some White cloud minnows they are a beautiful fish that dont grow very big and are very peaceful. But what kind of frogs do you have?
I think they are african dwarf frogs...not the clawed ones...

Neon Tetras need to be in minimum schools of at least 6-8. They find safety and comfort in large numbers. They need room to swim, so I wouldn't go smaller than a 10g tank.

African Dwarf frogs don't need much room, but 4 of them should be housed in an at least 5g tank.

I hate to sound rude here, so I'm sorry if I've burst your bubble, but just stating some basic care info about these species. It's not very fair to put all these fish in a 3 gallon. Both should be in a tank that's heated and filtered.

Better yet, a great investment would be to purchase a 10g and put the Neons and Frogs in there! That would make a great setup. Larger tanks may sound risky, but really a 10g starter kit won't cost much, and it will be really cool seeing your Neons school around the tank while the frogs play at the bottom. Fish's fun personalities really come out when housed in proper tanks with ample room. The larger the tank the more stable you can keep the water parameters.

I hope you take my advice into consideration.
Good luck! :)
thanks for the info..I rescued the frogs from those frog o spheres so they nice and plump and happy now...I might just another tetra or 2..
Sorry, but the four frogs in a 3gal is already too much. You should move your tetra to another home and get him some buddies, or return him. Why not get a 10gallon for them? It's only $12 or so.

I like the tank it's fits nice with the room...I'm gonna get more fish tommorow..
Is your tank cycled, etc? What filter are you using. You really shouldn't add any more fish. Neon tetras should be in a school of 5 or more, and your tank cannot have that many fish. Frogs are already messy and produce a lot of ammonia.

Erm...Please do not add any more fish to your tank.

It's not a good idea, and your tank is already overstocked. Yet

I hate to sound harsh... But your last reply was kind of odd.

People do not just keep fish for our own enjoyment, but also higly take the fish's well being into consideration. Our goal is to provide an ideal home for these animals.

I'm sorry to say, but please do not add any more fish until you upgrade your tank.
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Perhaps fishkeeping is not for you.
That's a bit harsh... But really macz, the lives and happiness of your animals should be your number one concern. They are living creatures and desrve to be treated well. Maybe your lfs told you that you could add more fish or something, but you really can't.

Umm are you really going to add some more fish? Dude your tank is going to be chocoblock (full Aussie term).
10gal is a nice little aquarium that will fit nicly in even in a space that is a tight squeeze. Neon tetras are a fish that will gradually get so stressed they will die because of the stress levels.
Like i suggested get some minnow if you really want fish in there because they are a nice little fish smaller than a neons and will go ok in a tank like yours.
10gal is a nice little aquarium that will fit nicly in even in a space that is a tight squeeze. Neon tetras are a fish that will gradually get so stressed they will die because of the stress levels.
Like i suggested get some minnow if you really want fish in there because they are a nice little fish smaller than a neons and will go ok in a tank like yours.

Jason, maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really understand why you are telling her to get minnows. I've never had White Clouds, but I really don't think they are any smaller than a Neon. They are also schooling fish, aren't they not? So even if she *could* possibly return the Neon and purchase the White Clouds, she'd still need room for several more fish- which she doesn't have in a 3 gal.

For Macz= Although perhaps worded a little strongly, the previous advice given was in fact true. An over stocked tank IS harder to take care of and the fish/frogs will most likely suffer. Your tetra is a schooling fish who finds comfort in numbers and really should have more of his own kind to swim with. In order to keep everyone healthy and happy, investment in a larger tank is the will also make upkeep easier for you. It may not be what you wanted to hear, but you did ask for advice..
Jason, maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really understand why you are telling her to get minnows. I've never had White Clouds, but I really don't think they are any smaller than a Neon. They are also schooling fish, aren't they not? So even if she *could* possibly return the Neon and purchase the White Clouds, she'd still need room for several more fish- which she doesn't have in a 3 gal.
I am compistation but notice that I did also say to get a 10 gal and if you forgot that here it is
10gal is a nice little aquarium
So yes they are but they can be kept by themsevles.
I didn't miss that; I'm in complete agreement with you there!
My point was that if she really likes the Neon (and or is unable to return him) there is no reason she couldn't keep him....with more companions in a bigger home. ;)
Honestly, the person is probably going to do whatever they think is best. The fish and frogs may suffer and maybe that will trigger the person to get a bigger tank.
The frogs were in a 6oz frog o sphere at brookstone in the I think this is a good upgrade.
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