Can i put a betta in this tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 26, 2011
Hey all,

I have a 29 gallon tank stocked with

- 6 glofish
- 6 neons
- 4 Cory catfish
- 3 Oto's
- 1 dwarf gourami

My friend has a male betta that she needs to get rid of and I'd like to take it. I just wanna make sure it would be ok to put him in this tank with the other fish.

Thanks for any help!
Most will say no because there's a dwarf gourami in there, which is a no-no in fishkeeping. But I'll say maybe. It depends on the individual temperaments of the dwarf gourami and betta. IME my honey DG and female betta imbellis get along fine.
I have a female Betta and two male dwarf gouramis in my 70g. They don't pay any attention to each other what so ever. I'd say try it but if they start to fight you will have to get him his own tank.
I'd recommend against it for two reasons.

First of all, both Betta splendens and Colisa lalia can be pugnacious and territorial.

Second of all, Glofish (or any other variant of Danio rerio) can be nippy towards slow moving fish with long, flowing finnage.
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