can i use tuffa rock as live rock?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 7, 2005
i have brought a second hand tank with lots of tuffa rock. the tank has been out of use for about 5 weeks now so all of the life on the rock is now dead.

can i use some of this rock to suppliment the live rock which i am going to purchase? will the tuffa rock be the same as the live rock over time? ie nitrifying and de-nitrifying?

i was planning on using a live rock filter in the sump, could i use tuffa rock instead? will it be efficent once the rock as become live?


I have read a couple of articles on tufu rock and it seems to act and react like live rock in terms of surface area for bio filter. It would make a great base for under the real live rock also.
thats really good news, i have 4 sacks full of it!! i do intend to add a fair amount of live rock to the main tank so as to add new life. i will look at using the tuffa rock in the sump and weir to act a s a bio filter.

any other thoughts?


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