Capped Orandas

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 20, 2005
Mauritius Is.
does anyone know what fills up the caps of the capped oranda goldfish species? also what is in the bubble of the bubble-eyed goldfish?

from what i read the cap on the head is the wen. i wanted to know what is inside this thing? water? does the wen get deflated if punctured? is it its brains? thats what i wanted to know.
the wen is like a thick, lumpy skin with a jelly like feel. Bubble eyes have that balloon-like protrusion and it is filled with liquid. These can pop and it is imperative to do 75% water changes to prevent infection until they heal (and fill back up)

edited for clarification
The wen is what is in the eyes and the cap. It's a liquid substance that the fish produces and it's stored in the cap or eye bubble. If punctured, yes the cap will deflate. In healing, the cap will inflate again with wen. Like any injury you need to watch for infection. No, the cap isn't the goldfish's brains, 8O but it definately looks like it. An oranda is born without any wen and as it matures, the folds deveolp on its head and eventually get filled with wen.

Goldfish have been bred for like 1000 years or more. They started with a small carp fish and ended up with the many breeds you see today. Goldfish competitions are intense. Some call the goldfish "living art."

I'm hoping someone with more goldfish experience will chime in here. I read this stuff in a book a while ago, so I'm not 100% sure if it's accurate or up-to-date. :| However it should give a good approximation. :mrgreen:
actually, the wen has a consistancy of a thick jelly. It can even be trimmed on goldfish where the wen has begun to cover their eyes. On show fish, they trim it to fit breed specifications.

It is the bubble on the Bubble Eyed goldies that is filled with liquid that the goldfish produces.

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