Carey's Bio Cube Build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Look at your LR scott, really really look. There should be tiny little flea looking creatures on it. My 55g has got thousands right now everywhere. All over the glass etc.. I moved about 10 lbs out of that tank and moved it into the cube.
There are also different types of pods, amphipods, Copepods, and a few others. Some are good and others are bad. The ones I named are common and good. They are eaten by many fish including gobies and mandarin dragonets, a fish that eats it as it's staple food.
kms907 said:
Looks good carey! I like the second rock setup better than the first i think, both very nice though. No leaks?? Hope not!

Well, she has a better chance since she didn't tackle the ups man. Okay, yeah, I know, the joke is getting old.
lol i cant wait to see it. in your tanks do you like seeing the led indicator at night idk why but i love seeing it in my tank when it's pitch black
Well it's a new day and new stuff to do! The cube is pretty much crystal clear and looks pretty good now.

I am however vexed by what to do now. I tested the water and came up with 0 across the board. Last few times i did a tank move or setup I had a cycle start within the first day. I've always seen at least a hint of ammonia. This time nothing.

In addition to the pods I found a darn aiptasia on my purple piece of rock. :-(

So when can I add CUC or a shrimp? Will I have any cycle or did the rocks already cycle in the bucket I had them in for a week? if you guys think i should start a new thread I will, just stumped on this one.

Why not add an ammonia source and then test tomorrow for ammonia and see if it's gone
I dont think you should haveto start a new thread your still on the same build

As you know take it slow add some ammonia or fish food and see if you have ammonia tomarrow. You were adding a source of ammonia to yourbucket right?
I was thinking on trying that but wasn't sure. a few people told me that would be un necessary. Would be cool if it was ready to go now. :-D I'm going to a fish store maybe later so I was thinking snails and shrimp. lol I am soo impatient.
Nope, nothing to the bucket it was reding .5 in ammonia when I moved it to the bucket. I had die off from lr I bought from the lfs. It was cycling as it should before I emptied the cube and went to the buckets.
I also ditched the water the rock was sitting in figured it had ammonia in it. I am gonna do another round of tests with my salifert kits, they are more sensitive maybe i have some nitrate in there just a tiny amount.

If I get nitrates and nothing else do you think its safe?

Thanks kurtyboh...
I used salifert this time and the trates are reading .50. Woot. LOL I had to use the low resolution test but it does have some pink in it.

So do I wait for more trates or other stuff like ammonia or nitrite? Or did it go smoothly?
Well how old is this water? Just a day... The nitrate level would be pretty low. It's too bad you didn't test the water you tossed that would have given a clearer picture. I'm guessing your rock is cycled we're not seeing nitrate because it has not had sufficient time to build up. To be safe I personally would add some ammonia and test tomarrow; that way you know for sure
No if you have trates and you had die off (because the others niterbacters weren't fed) you're cycle is complete!
Sorry about the confusing way those last two posts look i was still typing when youresponded (I'm a slow typer pn myipod)
Waste of a day, huh Carey? :-D
This is how I felt when I was first setting up my tank.

But YOU should be used to this by now *laugh*
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