Carey's Happy Planted Tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 23, 2011
Deltona, Florida
I finally got the 21 cichlid fry out of the 10g and am ready to roll. I have the back of the glass painted black and added flourite today as substrate. I'm running an aqua clear 30 and a 100w heater. So far that's it. lol

I am thinking of adding some fish tomorrow, I should have no cycle I'm thinking since I am using the filter that was running when the fry were in the tank. I let the babies get to over half and inch so the bacteria in the system should be able to handle some new fish.

Any thoughts?

here are the first shots, and yes, it is really cloudy!



carey said:
So I am looking at potential plants and came across this package

Aquatic Plants for Freshwater Aquariums: Aquarium Plant Pack - Standard

Thats too many plants though isn't it? I have no idea. LOL I do want alot of plants though so maybe it will work for me?

I was thinking about this package as well for my 30 gallon tiger barb tank. The idea of a planted tank though kind of scares me as I just have a standard no frills florescent light (1 bulb) and no co2. I also pool filter sand substrate with no fertilizer of any sort. Would I be getting in over my head Carey? I'm not meaning to hi jack your thread so ignore me if it seems that way! :)
That's way too much money. What plants do you want? I'm sure that you can get a bunch for $10 or so shipped from someone on here depending on what you want.
Well, the issue is I have NO idea what i want. I just want some basic stuff that will look pretty with some fish.

Are there any other sites or should I pick some out of the package that I like and ask in the classified section?

It would be best to pick about 3 plants maximum and let them all grow in and fill up the tank. When you mix out so many different plants in a tank of this size, it doesn't look as nice.

You could have a nice decoration like a rock or driftwood as a focal point. Or if you prefer, choose a Rosette plant like a sword plant.

Fill the stem plants in the back, rosettes in the middle (cryptocoryne or similar) and a good foreground plan in the front.
I've been busy doing research and found some plants I like.

Watersprite, wisteria, anacharis, pearlweed and Anubias nana.

I know thats too much but can you help me dwindle the list down?

I am also gonna go try to get some fish today. :)

I'm torn between fancy guppies and glo fish. LOL

I def don't want any baby fish so should I stick with the glo fish?
You can get all male guppies, a bachelor tank can be quite colorful and active. Most of the plants on your list grow quite fast in a ten you will be trimming quite a bit.
How do you tell male guppies from female? Are the males the real showy ones? Sorry for the dumb questions, I am totally out of my element here. lol

Which of those plants I listed do you like Rich? I'm not sure which ones to stick with....
Male guppys have the stick like anal fin and the colorful tails. I have Christmas moss, crypts, a little ludwigia and a couple of smaller anubia in my ten. They are arranged around and off center peice of wood. The stocking is a breeding group of of Celestial Pearl danios.

The anacharis and wisteria on your list grow so fast if happy they will fill the tank quickly, they can grow inches in a day or two.
Sweet! Thanks for the response. The plant list I have doesn't require ferts does it? I used flourite for substrate so I do have some nutrients. I just hope they stay in the gravel until I get the plants!
All plants need ferts at some point. Some are less demanding than others, but it really just depends on your light setup. If you keep it low light then you can get away with not having to dose in any regular fashion.

Your tap water might provide enough nutrients for the plants if you do regular water changes. It just depends, less light = less demand for co2/nutrients.

Fluorite is a great high cec substrate. The red kind in particular is high in iron, and it does a great job of making any nutrients available to the plants. As far as I know though it is not nutrient enriched, though, so you may want to consider getting something simple like flourish comprehensive/root tabs to supplement if necessary.
Woohoo heading out now to buy some fish! I know I'm gonna screw this me luck
I got myself 6 neon tetras, really really tiny ones. :) And some anachris...I planted them best I could in the tank, I suppose it could look better though. I'll have to work on that
carey said:
I got myself 6 neon tetras, really really tiny ones. :) And some anachris...I planted them best I could in the tank, I suppose it could look better though. I'll have to work on that

Water sprite is a really good plant!! Grows really easily!!! :) mine is growing new leafs evey week at least! :) and also i love amublia!! They grow so fast and look really pretty!
So my new fish are all hanging out together and seem happy. :-D

here's some shots of where I'm at. It isn't too great looking right now but I have hopes that it will improve. Now I just need some plants for the front of the tank. Any suggestions?



Separate that anacharis out... it'll fill in the back nicely, but you'll have to trim it at least every week. For the front, a java fern windolev and anubias nana petite would look great IMO
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