CBS Missing leg

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 24, 2003

About three weeks ago I added a large CBS to my set-up. So far it has taken up residence behind the rock and comes out after feeding to clean up scaps, so I have not seen it a lot. Yesterday I noticed it was missing one of the large banded claws.

Is this common? Will it grow back? I

can only guess it happened during molt or with another tankmate. I did notice it scrpping with an emerald crab tonight over some mysis shrimp.

Seems healthy otherwise and active at feeding time. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.

It should grow back -

After the next molt you'll see a "stumpy" one, then with each successive molt it will get a little larger until it is full size.

Keep an eye on your iodine levels to ensure productive molting.

Mine lost a leg. It grew back in about a week.

The claw will grow back after 2 molts. CBS will "drop" their claws if they feel threatened. (Good reason to treat them gently when removing them and placing them in tanks.)
Thanks, I figured it might grow back, but was not sure because it is so big. It is amazing that they can do this. Makes this hobby all that much more interesting.

I think my levels are fine as my peppermint and one of my cleaner shrimp just completed a molt, but I will check.

Thanks for the info,
My CBS lost almost all of its legs, both claws and all but one antennae about a month ago. Not sure what got him but it was during a molt as I found most of his pieces and his molted "skin" in the tank. I was very worried that he coulnt eat since he had no legs but he did fine. Now he has all of his legs and antenna back but his claws are still small. They have an awesome power of regeneration! :p
Don't really know on the CBS yet as it is fairly new. I can count on my other shrimp every 3-6 weeks though.
I've had mine for about a month and he's molted twice
I can never tell. I have seen the molt once. but my hitchickers get to it way to quickly and then its gone.
Yeah, the cleaners can be quick if you are not watching. On a funny note I recall the first time one of my shrimp molted I thought it had died :oops: until I saw it a couple of days later and learned about molting. :)
This is amazing, 9 days after I posted this thread the leg(claw) is back and just as big as the existing one. I know I looked in the last two days and it was still missing now tonight it is there as big as when I first added him.

What an amazing Hobby! 8) 8) 8)

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