Changing Filters

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 11, 2003
Rochester, NY

Hi Everyone,

I currently have a 55 gal freshwater aquarium. I have a 303 Fluval cannister filter that is on its last legs and it is only a matter of time before it goes. I would like some advice on the type of filter to buy and how to go about changing one for the other. I have read about bio Wheel filters and would like your opinions on this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

If you want to use a canister filter, I recommend the Rena xP2 or xP3.
For hang-on-the-back (HOB), I recommend the Hagen AquaClear 70 or 110
I'd also go with another canister.

As for switching, as long as you keep the media in your XP3 wet, transfer as much of the media from one filter to the other, canister or HOB. Your cycle should be non existant if you do.
I like the XP3 a lot. I would say to stay with a canister, because they allow for good water circulation without having to use a power head in larger tanks.
My HOB with biowheel lasted about 10 years before I replaced it with an XP3. Probably would have given me another 10 if I wanted, but I like my canister much better. Easier maintenance, and one less thing hanging on or in the tank.
BioWheels are mostly hype. We had a member explain it awhile back who was a scientist that worked with the constructs they're based off of. It went along the lines of - While the premise behind the BioWheel is sound, it is much to small to work as advertised. If you're going to get a HOB, skip the biowheel and save yourself a bit of money.
It seems like getting more space for bio filtration is the best bet with HOB filters. I saw that Rena makes an HOB filter, and it's huge for the amount of flow it is supposed to do. Essentially, I think they made a mini canister that hangs on the side of your tank.
Get an XP3. If your going to have heavy waste producers get a HOB and a XP3.

Of course you could always just fix up your 303. That is a good filter and you should be able to find replacement parts for whatever is acting up. Might save you a few bucks...
Tetratec make quite a few very decent, highly reliable, canisters. They've plenty of baskets for various media as well :)
I'm a big fan of them :)
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