Changing from Gravel To Sand; Cycle?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 18, 2004
Wilkes-Barre, PA
I have been pondering this for a while now. I'd like to change the gravel in my tank to sand. My wife and I both really want to do it but I have questions.

I am currently finishing a cycle now. Will changing the substrate ruin the cycle?

If I change it, will the cycle need to start over and I'll have to wait all over again?

I recemtly changed out 2 tanks. I saved half of the old water. Since I was changing substrate, I took a 1 gal plastic container and filled it half full of the old gravel. I set up the new tank, using the used filter( twin biowheel), added the old water and set the bucket of gravel in it. The tank was then filled with delored water, heated to 78. The tank has been running for 3 weeks with a fair fish load. I just removed the bucket of gravel. I have had no measurable ammonia or nitrites from day one. Hope it works for you.
so if i keep half the old water and old substrate i shouldn't have anything to worry about then? Just scoop out the old and put in the new?

Go to the articles section on this site and read How To Change Your Substrate.
This should answer all your questions.
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