Changing to sand this weekend.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Planet Earth
I've ordered very fine white sand from my guy. He's gonna help this weekend. A few beers the radio on and we'll get it done.

So stay tune for pics after. I got 8 buckets from homedepot and I have some extra power heads and air pumps.

I'm also entertaining the idea of mixing crushed coral to the mix.

If anyone has advice feel free.

Before shot

Thanks! Can't wait. I was always scared to do it being OCD and worrying about putting things back in its place but I think it's time and with my friend offering to help is a major plus since that's what he does. He builds tanks and sets them up. So he's more then happy helping. He said its gonna be slow around this weekend so he can come over and help.

I forget the name of the sand we ordered I'll post it later. It looks like sand you see on an island. Really fine and white.
garfy said:
I would suggest coarse sand it will make vacuuming a lot easier.

Any particular kind? So the really fine white sand I like would me no good? Man... A bump already lol. Thanks garfy lol.
The trouble is if the sand is too fine it will be as light if not lighter than the fish poo and get sucked up too no matter how careful you are.
Tahitian moon sand is supposed to be a very good coarse sand.
It's a black sand from what I've seen (It may come in other colours I'm no expert on sand)
And it makes for great colour in your fish.
Take a look and see what you think.
I would add some crushed coral to the mix! Ph buffer and all that.

Good luck with the swap! Can't wait to see pics
I have about 60 pounds in my 40. if they sell it in 20 pound bags, it would be good to get 100 poiunds and see how it looks.
That seems like a lot to me! In my 55 I've got about fifty or so. Also my 95 has about sixty or so deep and shallow in some parts of the tank

If you buy more than you need at least you will have enough. You can sale/keep the rest
Ok cool. My buddy is gonna get the 80 pounds and we'll take it from there. Now I'm hunting for lace rock.
Ok we stalled a little but. This will be done next Tuesday. I'll keep everyone posted if anything changes. Just got the call from my friend. He's good to go for next Tuesday.
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