Cichlid Colours

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2005
Hi, i just set up a brand new 55 gal and am making it an african cichlid tank. My friend has 20 or so africans that he wants to gte rid of as he doesnt have the time to care for them. I know these fish have been through some rought water conditions, for example only cleaning his tank once every month or month and a half. The fish still show pretty good colouration but nothign like the local big als. I was wondering if i take them off his hands and properly take of them will they colour up as nice as onces bought as juvies? Also what should africans be fed to promote strong colours? Thanks for the help!!
Moved to the Cichlid Forum.

They should color up given proper tank conditions. What kind are they?

Variety is key when it comes to feeding. The only pre-made food that I feed is New Life Spectrum (the best IMO) then vary it with peas, zuc etc.
In addition to what FF said, the type of ciclids can play a factor in their coloring. If they are cichlids that are not compatible, they will be more stressed and less colorful. The type of cichlids will help to know.
My cichlids change colors depdending on the situation they are in. If they are stressed they can be very dull, angry they are very dark. If they are relaxed and water is crystal clear and perfect, they are beautiful bright colors. If this can happen to my fish then I can imagine that it'll happen to those once they are put in a clean tank.
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