Cichlid E.R. help!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 21, 2003
San Francisco CA
WAAAAAHHH!!!! :cry:

okay i have moliwes, one pair in a 10 gallon by themselves...
the female who was doing just fine 2 days ago now has some big white lump and a string of something coming out of her 'no zone'

she is not swimming normally and drifts to her side sometimes, and is gasping. the male, on the other hand is just fine and dandy.

i just bought 3 sae's and introduced them to the tank 2 days ago as well, they then died overnight. im fearing they brought some bacterial infection into the tank with them and infected my female moliwe. :(

i have melafix and have been using it starting this morning....

will she survive the night???????? and should i quarantine her????? any suggestions??????? what do you think is wrong with her???????? help??????? mommy??
Urk. Yeah its quite likely the SAEs brought something nasty into the tank.

I would definitely QT her. I am not sure what sort of infection she has tho; usually columnaris is the one thats hits that hard and that quick, but stuff coming out of her vent like that points to parasites. It may even be a combo of the 2 :(

I would use a true antibiotic; Melafix is only useful in minor cases of finrot and realy has no effect on serious infections. I'd look into Kanacyn or something containing oxytetracycline. If she is still eating, and you can find something called Pepso food even better; it contains an antiparasitical as well as antibiotics. Meds taken internally work better then soaking in em.
allivymar, thanks for your help...but i lost the battle. must have been something quick since she just went belly up previous signs or anything...:(

did a water change and now praying the male doesn't get inflicted...

should i try kanacyn to prevent him from the same fate??? or will melafix keep him from infection? sigh.
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