Cichlid ID

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 1, 2013
Michigan USA
So I bought what was supposed to be a group of Afra Edwardi and now after they grew up a little bit I'm not really sure if that's what they are or not. If anyone could help me out with a species ID that would be great.

This is the dominant male of the tank


Strange Fish

Looks to me like a cynotilapia afra "mara point" it just don't have enough yellow to be what they said. And the other is just a female most likely the same
Hi there you have a labidochroms sp Mbamba bay can be very aggressive my one on them is the boss of my aquarium
They all look soo alike.. its ridiculous. I found the list of cichlid profiles and he looks a lot like a Cynotilapia Afra from Likoma or Jalo.. But he also looks a lot like the Labidochromis Mbamba. But yeah he is definitely the boss of my tank but thats mostly because hes the biggest fish in the tank until my Yellow labs and Rusties grow up.
Probably saturday I will be pulling out all the rock work in my tank (sooo much!) and vent them to see what sex they are.. that should help figure out what everything is
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