Cichlid Identity

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2004
Kentucky USA
I have a cichlid given to me that I haven't been able to ID. It is solid black with 6 grey strips that go about 2/3 way down from dorsal. The coloring could be off because I 'm struggling to get the water correct. I've looked all over and can't find anything like it.
A picture is almost necessary for a cichlid ID. If you can't get a pic:
How large is the fish?
What is the mouth structure?
Does the cichlid appear mature?
If the fish is stressed, the color will be off.
Do you know what it's origin is? (South/Central America, Africa...?)

Also, it could be a hybrid and you won't find a pic that looks like it :?
This sounds like nothing I know, and I've looked through a lot of cichlid images myself. A picture would really really help... is a good starter for about 1/3 of the cichlids you see in the hobby (e.g. Yellow Labs, Electric Blue Haps, Johanniis).

Beware that the geographic origin of the fish will determine its water parameter requirements, and that these can be very different... (if you didn't know this already). African Rift Lake cichlids like a hard water with a high pH around 8 or 9. SA cichlids like softer-to-neutral water with a pH of 6-7. Def. find this out as soon as possible!
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