Cichlid Price Ideas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2002
I am looking at a Pseudotropheus estherae. Its about 3-4 inches long. Does anyone have an idea as to what I should pay for it? They have 29.98 on it , but I don't know... :?:
Price really depends on what the market will bear in your area. Thirty bucks for an adult Red Zebra sounds expensive to me, based on what I see them sell for around here. But that may be the going rate where you live.

If it sounds too expensive to you- then it's too expensive. If you really like the fish and don't mind spending the money on him- go for it. I've bought lots of cichlids that I though I was getting a deal on, only to have people tell me I "paid too much." Go with what your heart (and your wallet) tells you. :wink:
And, if you like the fish, but don't want to pay retail for it, you could always order one on-line. Be sure to order from a site with a "arrive alive" guarantee.
$30 for a typica med. red zebra would be too much, but I haven't seen this one around here before. Its body is a poweder blue with an orange dorsal fin. I will try to get by to sneak a picture and post. Here is one I found on the internet that looks just like it.
Another thing to look at is how easy it it to get a ps.estherae, if the lfs that you go to knows that the fish is hard to get he will up his price. i don't know $ to £ but i would sell a 3-4" pseudo for about £10-£25 depending on What type and how easy it is to get hold of, the more common ones would be even cheaper. It also pays to look around, if a store has had them a while he might be willing to let them go even cheaper.
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