cichlid question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2004
I have a zebra cichlid about 1.5in long I just added a bubble wall and air ornament to the tank (10gal...looking for 30gal right now) and his stripes have really come out. Before i added the air he was just blue. Anybody have any ideas why this is....was thinking maybe he was not getting enough oxygen before.....thank you all and love this forum
What sort of filtration are you running?
How long have you had him. THe air ornament wont actually add any oxygen to the water directly.
What it does do is increase water flow and by rippling the surface water you are increasing the amount of water exposed to the air. It may also take some dissolved gasses out of the water on the way up. I just think you probably have a happier fish as a result of some ornamentation and a maturing aquarium. Does he look happier? Jeff
[center:e0881321ef] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, okaquarium!! :n00b: [/center:e0881321ef]

Your cichild may have been lonely.
Hi there and welcome to Aquarium Advice :D
Your Ps. Zebra is still quite young and the tank you have him in is quite small, you will probabley find he was a bit stressed and that is why he didnt show his stripes. If he is blue and with egg spots he is a male, yellow with none or just a couple of spots are female. These fish can be very aggressive if in small numbers, they need bigger tanks with lots of other malawi's and this will calm down there aggression.
i have a hang on the back aqua tech runs 100gal per hr had him about a week and a half....hes alot more active and likes to swim through the bubble wall....he also likes to just hang in the flow the filter creates....just wondering am going to get bigger aquarium...will probably get it from wal mart just because of lay away and will up grade filtration....would a 29gal be enough for him do you think....and also want to go with bio wheel probably penguin...any have experience with these...thank you for your responses
Like Terry said he needs to be kept with lots of other Malawi and you'll need at least a 55gal for that.

I am running two penguin 330's on my 55gal Malawi tank and it seems to be doing the job.
ok thank you guess its to wal mart i go put their 55gal on lay away then up grade filters but will probably go canister for that size tank and keep other filter for back up....just never know whats going to happen
IMHO the wal-mart kits or any kits leave a lot to be desired. You may spend a few more dollars buying things seperate but you end up with better quality and less likely to have to replace things down the road. Kits normally have very low wattage lights and low end filters.
Where in OK are you? There are a few good lfs in OKC. If they dont have what you want they can order it. Stuff like filters and lights can be bought much cheaper online. Tank and stand at the lfs.
im in duncan ok about 1.5hr from okc.....i just dont have alot of cash to spend at 1 time so basicly id be getting tank and stand at wal mart and just upgrade equip and just put the rest in a box for spare stuff in case something breaks haveing 2 of anything really wrong with their tanks...and if stand is particle board will look for alternitve...havent looked close at their stands yet...also chasgood on your 55 do you run canister or over the back filter
My large tank is just a 37gal. It has a Rena Filstar xP1 canister filter. A xP 1 or 2 and the filter that came in the kit would work good on a 55gal.
Ordered the filter online from big al's. They have pretty good prices.

The filstar comes with a spraybar. They are great.
I bought my 55gal from walmart. Also got the stand from there. I haven't had any problems. I too will be upgrading lights, ,filter and so on but its just one thing at a time for me.
its an expensive hobby to get into...but to keep happy fish u need good equip so ill just do the wal mart thing and piece it together...think ill go for canister...maybe small hob to help with oxygen....thank you all for advice love this site
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