Cichlid Stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2012
Daytona Beach, FL
My local cichlid expert (and I do mean expert...not just the highschooler at Petsmart) suggested I stock my 28 gallon bowfront with 22 cichlids. So far, everything is great, but they are all really small. It has really helped with the aggression that seemed to plague my tank and kill my fish previously.

There are lots of stones & rocks that I rearrange on a regular basis, so the fish have lots of places to hide, and no one is really territorial. I use a battery operated vacuum to clean up any waste almost daily, and I do water changes & filter maintenance regularly.

I'm looking for any advice/opinions from people who have attempted keeping a HEAVILY stocked African Cichlid tank. Naturally, I am a little concerned about how this is going to work out as they mature.
That is not recommended at all and I don't know anyone other then maybe someone that's just trying to sell fish that a 28 gallon is ok. Your going to have major problems as they grow and start fighting over territory. A 55 gallon is what is recommended and I would have told you that many fish plus a few more for a 55. In your size tank I would have told you to only do a speices only of 1 male 3-4 female of some of the smallest peaceful african Cichlids. Or you could have done shell dwellers or stuck with sa Cichlids like rams I believe would be ok in that size tank. I'm curious to know how your tank levels are as in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

Hope that helps and here is in article
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I'm curious to know how your tank levels are as in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

Just checked (new stock has only been in the tank for 2 days)

Ammonia: .25 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 5 ppm

I had about 7 cichlids in the tank prior to the new stocking, so I'm assuming this is where my ammonia/nitrate spike is coming from. I will probably do a pwc tonight and check again tomorrow night.

I appreciate the feedback. I do have a 65 gallon tank that I can make some changes to if the population proves to be an issue.
Did you do any research on these? He's not to much of an expert if he's suggesting this!
Swedgen said:
-2 Demasoni
-2 Chailosi
-2 Exasperatus
-2 White Top Hara
-2 White Top Afra
-2 Polit
-2 Mpanga
-2 Jalo Reef Afra
-2 Msobo
-2 Red Top Trewavasae
-2 Hongi

The size that these will grow will get way to big for this size tank and none of them can go in a 28 gallon by them selves just so you know. I would be moving them over to the 65 gallon. Some of those fish can be really nasty aswell so watch out for aggression if you leave them in there you'll probably end up with one. They most be really little right now to be getting along
Did you do any research on these? He's not to much of an expert if he's suggesting this!

No, I am new to cichlids. We have a local aquarium store in Daytona that specializes in cichlids. They have the most AMAZING fish! The guy who owns it has been in business for 30+ years, so I took his advice. I was rather skeptical about the stocking. I have had many tropical aquariums in the past, and went nowhere near these kind of numbers! He said the high number had to do with agression, which has been an issue for me at lower numbers. I took a leap of faith and increased the stock. I'm just still skeptical (as you are both reaffirming!) It has solved the aggression issue for now, but they are still juveniles. I have a feeling I'll be moving this stock over to my 65 gallon, and either getting a larger aquarium for those fish, or rehoming some of them.
Swedgen said:
No, I am new to cichlids. We have a local aquarium store in Daytona that specializes in cichlids. They have the most AMAZING fish! The guy who owns it has been in business for 30+ years, so I took his advice. I was rather skeptical about the stocking. I have had many tropical aquariums in the past, and went nowhere near these kind of numbers! He said the high number had to do with agression, which has been an issue for me at lower numbers. I took a leap of faith and increased the stock. I'm just still skeptical (as you are both reaffirming!) It has solved the aggression issue for now, but they are still juveniles. I have a feeling I'll be moving this stock over to my 65 gallon, and either getting a larger aquarium for those fish, or rehoming some of them.

Well he didn't lie I guess that's how we deal with aggression issues. But your aggression was coming from the tank being to small. I wouldn't give it long before they start killing each other. I have a good friend on here that even has a bigger tank then this and he had one pick off 2-3 a night. Till he decided he needed to rehome a few and re do the tank. When they all settle and start protecting territory and making them things are going to hit the fan just a warning :)
Yeah, I guess we'll see what happens over the next few weeks. I'll post an update if (when!) things change. Fortunately, I didn't spend too much money on them since they're juveniles! Thanks for the feedback!
Swedgen said:
Yeah, I guess we'll see what happens over the next few weeks. I'll post an update if (when!) things change. Fortunately, I didn't spend too much money on them since they're juveniles! Thanks for the feedback!

No problem I'd read threw the link I gave you ;)
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