Cichlid VS Oscar for new tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 6, 2011
Charleston, WV
Okay so I'm going to be getting a 55 gallon fish tank in a couple of days. I had one before but had to sell it): It was a community fish tank. I'm thinking about starting my new tank as maybe an oscar or cichlid tank or maybe having both? What are some cool species of cichlids to get that would be okay with oscars? Or any other fish that would be okay with Oscars? I'm just going to have one oscar btw. And of course cycling my tank and all of that fun stuff! Thanks
Helloelliee said:
Okay so I'm going to be getting a 55 gallon fish tank in a couple of days. I had one before but had to sell it): It was a community fish tank. I'm thinking about starting my new tank as maybe an oscar or cichlid tank or maybe having both? What are some cool species of cichlids to get that would be okay with oscars? Or any other fish that would be okay with Oscars? I'm just going to have one oscar btw. And of course cycling my tank and all of that fun stuff! Thanks

I'd stay away from the oscars. IMO they need a bigger tank. You can however do a nice Cichlid tank. Most will say a single Oscar needs a 75 gallon tank. I made the mistake of getting 4 tiger oscars I did some reading and quickly returned them and started a African Cichlid tank.
I was worried about and Oscar getting too large as well. Thank you, I think I will just stick with the cichlids then.
an oscar will be okay in a 55. they do get very big and you may want to upgrade - but a 55 will do. i have 2 oscars in a 75 np.
for a 55 you need to get a small to medium pleco, like a BN or rubberlip pleco. my l-83 gets along fine with them, so i assume ur 1 would be ok.

u could an mbuna tank!! they are stunning in personality, energy and looks. and they are so cool when they breed! xx
Yes I was looking at those as well:) I'm thinking a couple of parrot cichlids and then assorted African cichlids. Would that be okay you think?
i wouldnt mix africans, and central american cichlids. ive had both and my favorite by far are the africans. They have more color, swim in all of the areas of the tank, and most malawi cichlids stay around 4-6 inches. you could fit 10 in a 55 easily, and maybe more later. if you want any advice message me later, also they are in all petstores, so they are very easy to get.
Not to sound mean but it sounds like you need to do some research, people aren't going to stock this tank for you.

Blood parrots and Mbuna should not be mixed.
Well I had a community fish tank, but never a cichlid. So I didn't know which ones can be mixed or not. Obviously that's why I'm researching now before I go out and buy anything.
Oscars get boring, big, and messy in there later years. Cichlids have the color and interaction you will want down the road.
Oscars are cichlids,and with dry food not that messy,if you want fast paced color go with smaller africans,however if you prefer slower movement south and central cichlids are quite beautiful and the interaction is like that of a dog
i dont think they are boring :L my oscars are TONS more interesting than my africans. they just arent as active. they are smart and funny and downright cute when playing. when they are moody they have silly little strops too.

and when food is near? they hunt like pikes! me gusta le oscar.

africans are best left just as africans - even better as just one lake from africa. like sticking to just malawis. the colour variation of peacocks is extravagent if thats what you like. the personality of mbuna is wicked if you prefer that. or the other two lakes - tanganyika and victoria - have really cool/pretty/fun fish x
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