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Ok I am so so so frustrated. I keep buying meds and it just seems like one fish after another keep dying! Have tested the water over and over and nothing unusual there (all levels good for the fish). I have done water changes, no water changes with all the meds in the tank, increased the temp, put in salt, and I keep failing as one by one my fish die. Each fish gets this fuzzy like substance on their bodies and head even while meds are in the tank. At this point I'm thinking a parasite that goes from one fish to another. I'm going to do a water change again tonight, take out all decorations, rocks, etc and rinse them and then get some parasite medicine. I have even thought about throwing out all the sand and getting all new sand. Anyone have any thoughts??? Maybe I'm just not cut out for a cichlid tank.
I had this same problem. Go to my profile and view advice given in my posts.. one titled 3 sick fish, I think. I understand your frustration, it's hard. I too learned the hard way.. fish keeping isn't easy. I think you may be dealing with columnaris, but not sure of coarse. Keep up on your wcs, salt, meds when appropriate.. Here's some advice I was given, search images to see if this looks like what your fish have. Don't give up, I still have 7 of my 15.. good luck

The best medication I've found to work with Columnaris is Jungle or Tetras Fungus Clear. Drop the temp down into the low to mid 70's to slow the infection and perform 3 doses following the directions, I'd also dose the aquarium salt at 1-2 tablespoons per 5 gallons. Stop that Melafix as it doesn't cure anything, I'd dump it down the sink or use it as paperweight.

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