Circulator Pump and Frogs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 2, 2013
Denver, Co
I have, or rather had, two dwarf frogs in my 55g fw and yesterday I noticed that one of the frogs was MIA. I figured she'd just crawled up under the driftwood. Unfortunately, I later noticed that she was in the circulator pump completely dead. :( I have no idea if she was sucked in and killed or if she crawled in and then died after the pump cycled on (I turn it off at night).

Is there a way to prevent that from happening in the future?

I was thinking about maybe some sort of DIY screen, but wondered if someone here had any better ideas?
What kind of pump, most submersible pumps either come with a plastic screen or a foam filter. Rather than DIY, contact the manufacturer and get one that fits properly and wont come loose. They are usually pretty cheap too.
It's the Marineland Maxi-Jet 400. There wasn't a screen in the box that it came with and I'm having a hard time finding one online. :think
That's such a tiny little pump, I dont think it would have sucked the frog in, it was likely dead already.

The pump does ship with a screen over the inlet. Either call Marineland to buy a replacement, or post a WTB for the screen. Many people run those without screens and might have one laying around.
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