Clamped fins, red gills, sometimes tipping over

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
They were more recent but added a few months ago I think.
Without a microscope you wouldn't be able to tell, unless another one dies/ starts acting the same way might be a tell tail sign of flukes.

Right now you need to keep your water in excellent condition.

Gravel/substrate cleaning and 25% pwc every week. More if you have poor water test.

Help the rest to get as healthy as possible.

I always clean the filter when needed but not at the same time as in the week when I would do the big cleaning inside of the tank, so alternate that, and don't clean the filter in tap water, only tank or conditioned water to save BB.
Thank you. They are eating and mostly fine. But some still have some red inflamed gills.
Any ideas? Probably not water problems I think. Maybe the gill flukes got to them?
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