Clamped fins, red gills, sometimes tipping over

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 14, 2012
One of my platies has clamped fins,red gills, and is sometimes tipping over on its side. I have another one and that one always looks like it is gasping for air so I changed water. The situation isn't much better. 10 gallon tank with 3 platies,5 neons and 1 betta(I know it is overstocked but I hate to take the betta and neons or else bad stuff would've happened to them). Please help. :thanks:
Do you have an API test kit? If not, you probably need one. Do more water changes. Don't forget dechlorinator. Test the water and let us know what you have. Good luck.
I have api test kit. How often to water change for this time? Is there any possible parasites or sickness these fish could have?
Do you have the API liquid test kit or the test strips?

If you can please post your current water parameters (test results) so we can help you with more specific information.
I do have the API Test kit. Are there any sicknesses that may cause this? Can't test at this moment
Yes but sometimes my fish look a bit unstable like tipping on their side.
Regardless, you should test the water for ammonia and nitrites. If their gills are burned from ammonia, they may lose coordination due to lack of oxygen.
Ok. My tank is cycled though. they are looking worse :(
I will probably change water today to try and help though before even if I changed water it didn't help much. The other fish are fine though.
Once a week 15-20%. I just did a water change yesterday and they are still not looking better.
Edit: It seems as if when a fish touches them they tip over. I have noticed one of them having more prolonged periods of inbalance.
More observations were the male one does not tip over and only one mostly tips over and starts flailing to get up. It doesn't happen when it is by itself for some reason.
You should try changing a more substantial amount on a regular basis. Like up to 50%. But really if you want help with these guys, we need to know the numbers for your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH.
Just did huge 40% water change. Will post test results when I test.
I got a test result. 0.25ppm or more ammonia. It doesn't make sense because my tank is cycled and i recently water changed. I think it is spreading to the other platy. The other fish seem unaffected. One platy seems to tip over and flail on its side more often.The platies go in a tight group and just float near the top. What should I do?
If you're using strips to test, chances are there's more bad stuff in the water than you think. More water changes couldn't hurt. If the pH in your tank crashed, it could shock the fish and cause their problems. That could also mess up the beneficial bacteria and cause a mini cycle.
There have been low ph problems in my tank. I added coral gravel 4 months ago. Maybe it has been used up.
Right from the start my water PH hasn't been correct. It is not due to the tank because I change water weekly. I think my water that I use has something wrong(no ph buffers)but other tanks that use the same water source have good PH level. Why is this?
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