Clarki Clown Weird behavior

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2008
I came home from work and i realized that i forgot to turn on my lights before i left so my tank has been dark all day. Well before i turned on the lights I noticed my clown laying on his side looking as if her were dead. When i turned on the light he poped up and swam around and now appeards to be ok. WAS HE SLEEPING i have raised oscars before and they would lay on their side when they were stressed but never to sleep. Do Clownfish sleep like this?

Sorry everyone for all the posts but i am new at the saltwater stuff and i want to do everything right.

Thank you very very very very much for all your help.
What everyone think have they seen this behavior before in fish.
Clowns are the kings of weird behavior. Yes he was sleeping and they will lay down wherever comfortable. Here is mine laying down sleeping on a coral.

My clarkii clowns sleep on the bottom of the tank all the time when the lights are off, mine in fact loves to lie half on her side in the back corner, it looked very ire the first time I saw it. I dont know I just never figured fish lied down to sleep..

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