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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 24, 2013
Hello again!
So I'm soon going to be full-out cleaning my betta's tanks soon. My bettas are each in a 2.5 gallon tank and i was wondering if i would need a gravel cleaner? It'll be my first time cleaning any type of fish tank so any advice really would be much appreciated!

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Do a 50% water change. Using a siphon will help but it's not necessary. With that small of a tank you could just scoop the water out.

Don't forget to temperature match the water and dechlorinate it before adding to the tank :)
Do a 50% water change. Using a siphon will help but it's not necessary. With that small of a tank you could just scoop the water out.

Don't forget to temperature match the water and dechlorinate it before adding to the tank :)

Would that still stand if its filtered?
The tank filters are only there to provide water movement and remove ammonia / nitrites. It won't have any effect on the concentrations of chlorine, chloramine, or heavy metals that tap water contains and are all deadly to fish. Additives such as Prime or API Stresscoat will work well to remove them.

Try taking a look at this link. It has a lot of useful information for fish keeping.

Guide to Starting a Freshwater Aquarium - Aquarium Advice

Also, in order to keep your fish healthy it's best to do a weekly 50% water change to keep the contaminants from his waste to a minimum.
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