cloudy eye on Oscar

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 13, 2004
Mt Shasta, CA
My Oscar has 2 cloudy eyes any idea what this may be?

My tank is 29 gal
PH 7.6
Amonia 0
Nitites 3.0
Nitrites 2.0
tank is 3 weeks old

1-3 inch Oscar
2 - Blood Parrot Cichlids
1 small Angel fish
2 small cichlids
9 inches of fish total
Don't know if you saw my post on the other thread but it could be a few different things: bacterial infection (which could result from susceptibility due to stress from new tank), trauma, or inflammation. Melafix helped clear up my Oscar's eyes and there are a lot of commercial treatments out there for "cloudy eye". HTH.
Looking at your aquarium parameters, I'd be willing to bet the water conditions are partially (if not completely) to blame for the oscars' illness. The nitrites are heavy enough to cause serious stress- and even death. Anything over 0.3 mg/L is considered dangerous. Your bio-load is VERY heavy for an aquarium that hasn't completed the cycling process.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this (so forgive me if I'm repeating something you're already aware of), but your tank isn't going to be able to hold your current fish load for more than another month or two, at best. You'll need at least a 75 gallon tank to house the fish you've got, due to both size and territory needs.

I'd suggest water changes to get the nitrites down to a safer level and either consider getting a much larger tank or removing some of the fish: in a tank that size, you could keep one of the parrots OR the angel OR maybe the two small cichlids together (depending on what species they are). The oscar isn't going to fit in the 29 gallon for very long.

Hope this helps.

Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5 ppm
Ph 7.6
Well my 2 tanks have finally cycled, but 1 tank with a small Oscar and 2 parrot cichlids is still in trouble, EVERYONE has scars or clouds over eyes PLEASE HELP
I have tried some medication I got at Petco its been 48 hrs things seem worse
I did not find Melafix I live 2 hrs drive from nearest store
Thanks for the advice I have no plans to buy anymore fish and I do have 2 - 29 gal tanks

Tank 1 is 29 gal has 7 small cichlids and 1-3inch Plecostomus aprox 13 inches of fish

Tank 2 is also 29 gal and it has one 3 inch Oscar, 2 parrot Cichlids, 1 small Angel Fish. Aprox 10 inches of fish

The problem is with tank 2 Oscar and all his buddies have cloudy eyes especially Oscar he looks like he may have scaring.
I have used "Fungus Cure" by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. it comes in caps, its been 60 hours and still no change . I removed the Charcoal and left the air stone running it turned my tank a dark green. Since I started medication my one Parrot Cichlid has been floating upside down in her cave. She has been doing it for 3 day's I thought she was a goner 3 days ago but seems to be hanging in there. Any sugestions Please????
I changed 25% of the water an hr ago and inserted a brand new charcoal filter , I live 2 hrs from nearest Petco etc. I will try and get some Maracyn in the next few day's
I tested the water an hr ago
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 10ppm
Amonia 0ppm
PH 7.6 to 7.8

Will fish recover from Cloudy eye? Do some fish sleep or chill upside down? Any help please
My whole 29 Gal tank is infected all my fish have cloudy eyes , my parrot Cichlid seems to have a swim bladder infection , she has been upside down for 3 days I am amazed she was still alive this morning.
I have placed her in a 10 gal hospital tank and medicated with melafix and pimafix (great stuff by the way Thanks Tankgirl for that advice)
She seems to be swimming right side up after just a few hrs in the hospital I checked on her just minutes ago and she has more strenght and has taken food after 3 day's
Since I cant place everybody from the 29 gal tank in the hospital I have been treating the 29 gal tank.
Here is my questions

Will the bacteria ever go away with treatment?

Shall I clean out the tank and boil my gravel and rocks to sanitize the tank? And basically start from scratch?

How can I clean my plastic plants? Can I use rubbing alcohol to clean out the tank and sterilize the plants?

Is it safe to use bleach?
The 29 gal tank has it bad should I just treat the tank and over time the bacteria will get whiped out? Or should I just sterilize everything and start again?
Like voodoo chilli said that is WAY to much bio load for a 29 gallon tank.
One Oscar needs at least a 55 gallon tank to it's self.
oscar has a 100 gal tank waiting

Oscar is only 2.5 inches , once he grow a bit he will have a 100 gal to himself so far I have 11 inches of fish in a 29 gal tank.
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