Clown acting strange?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2004
I've had my ocellaris for about 5 weeks now, and he's always had his favourite place in the back left hand corner, where he spends much of the day, including sleeping. But, before (up until 2 days ago) he's always bobbed up and down in the same spot there, until he decides to have a swim around.

But over the past day or two, he's been in the same spot, but spending much of it "sitting" on the bottom - almost motionless, about every 3 secs flapping his fins (as normal), then perhaps "getting up" and bobbing up and down for a bit, then returning, then going for a good swim, then back to his corner, etc. A good proportion of his time is spent "sitting" in this corner, resting his underside on the sand.

He seems fine otherwise, and is eating well (although not as "mad" as he used to up until a week ago, he used to go mad when I put food in, but he's still eating fine). Water parameters are all good.

The only thing I've changed in my tank in the last week is the lighting, I've upgraded it to 2 x T5 39W bulbs (from 1 x normal 25w bulb that I had on my old goldfish tank!). Other than that, nothing has changed.

FYI, my cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp molted yesterday, and my fire only molted 10 days ago (first time my cleaner has in my tank). There's nothing else in the tank.

Help appreciated! :)
One of the more common ailments I see with clowns is bloating. Does the fish show any bulging in the belly area?

When was the last time you did a water change and are you using any additives?

No bulging at all - I did a 50% water change 10 days ago, and no additives.
Other tha checking the alk/pH, I'm not sure what to suggest. What other fish do you have?

Carbonate Hardness is 10dKh, pH is 8.2, as it's always been. No other fish as yet! Just a skunk cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp. He's been a lot more active since I posted though, and ate very well today. Swimming round the tank for a few hours, and he's now returned to "his" corner.

Will keep an eye on him...I've noticed a couple of tiny white spots on one of his fins and the top of him which weren't there this morning, maybe ich? Will see if they go away.
MarkW19 said:
I've noticed a couple of tiny white spots on one of his fins and the top of him which weren't there this morning, maybe ich? Will see if they go away.
It's a possibility but after five weeks a low probability. Keep tabs on the clown to be sure though. I think this might be one of those "slump" days mabye ?

OK, he's better now. Much more active - he wasn't this morning though - perhaps he's changed his sleeping behaviour from bobbing up and down to resting on the bottom?

Anyway, he's swimming about right now, but I've noticed another couple of tiny white spots on his dorsal fin. Everything else seems ok.

Is it just sand??
Maybe you could try and take a close-up pic or use some other method of 'remembering' where some of the spots are on the fin.. then when you check back in a day you'll know if it was just sand because the grains, hopefully, should have moved or fallen off.

Not the best solution but might give you some idea.
Good idea :)

Are there any other symptoms of white spot? He seems fine otherwise, ate like a pig tonight!
I think he should be fine.. it's not really something to worry about unless there's been a recent addition to the tank. No amount of stress is going to cause ich unless the parasite is there to begin with.

I believe the other symptoms are cloudy eyes, loss of appetite and laboured breathing.
Recent as in the last 4 weeks max.?

I added 2 clowns at a time, 5-6 weeks ago. I lost one 3 weeks ago (don't know what to!), and I've added 3 shrimps (2 skunk and 1 fire, I've lost the smaller skunk after he molted 10 days ago) in the past 2-3 weeks, but they don't carry parasites anyway right?
Well, I've been watching him very closely over the past few days, and the white spots seem to come and go - he had 2 on his left gill, both of which have now gone, but another has appeared on his side.

There are also a couple more on his fins, but again, a couple of others have gone where I remembered they were before.

Everything else (touch wood) is ok though!
White spots are ok - most of them have gone now.

But, he seems to be a bit bloated around the bottom towards the front.

Any ideas?

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