Clown aggression out of nowhere...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
I have a mocha clown that used to be the smaller (male) of the pair. My tank crashed and I lost the larger clown (female). These were paired for about a year and a half. I replaced the one that died with an occy clown (much smaller). They lived together for a few months with no issues. Now the bigger one has it pinned behind the heater for the past week. The smaller one still comes out to eat. I see the "shimmering" dance come from both clowns still... Should I cut my losses and re-home one, or will they sort themselves out? Thanks in advance...

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My guess is that the bigger clown is now turning into the female and will show aggression for a while. As long as there is no damage to the smaller clown and it's eating. I would leave it for the time being to see what happens.
how big of a tank do you have
sounds like a Territorial thing or it could be the 2 just don't need to be with 1 another
As they are 2 different species of clown s
1 mocha
1 occelarius

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Spoke to my LFS today. Their opinion is that because they're both doing the dance thing, that they're trying to sort it out, and the bigger one is going through "puberty" lol and becoming a female. The little one is actually out and about a lot more today. Fingers crossed!

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Mine went through this about 2 months ago. The smaller male, was getting harassed, and was beginning to hide. The larger one would start chasing him until he was out of sight. The smaller one ended up getting stuck under a rock next to the glass on the bottom of the tank. I hadnt seen him for a few days and was getting concerned. I was doing some maint, moved a rock, and out he came. He had lost most of his colour, and wasnt in the best shape. He slowly came back, and is 100% today. Dont worry, im sure they will figure it out within 10 days or so.

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