Clown Fish Acclimation...?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 21, 2006
I just bought a yellow stripped maroon clown and a really sweet piece of LR, little cave included. I dripped him for 45mins. He didn't eat well the first night but is eating well now. None of his tank mates are bothering him. He just swims around the edge of the tank, near the top of the water. I have not put in an Anemone, yet. Will he be ok? I will get one this weekend.

Your clown does not need an anemone to be ok.

Let's look at a few thing here before you get an anemone. Please answer these questions so we can best figure things out for you.

How long has your tank been set up?
How big is your tank?
What filtration do you have?
What type of fish do you have?
What are your water parimeter's?

I know I don't need the anemone, but I like the symbiotic relationship...(Plus I SCUBA and really like to watch them in the Ocean)
I have had my tank for a little over two months.
55gallon tank w/about 20LBs of LR
I have a Fluvial 304
2 yellow tail damsels
2 3 stripped damsels
1 blue devil
1 pincushion and pencil urchin
H2O levels are all normal. I just checked them (not sure of the exact numbers)

Like I said, none of the others mess with him. I moved around some of the LR to break up the territories. I was really surprised the Blue Devil didn't go after him. Actually, when I first added the clown, he went under a rock and the Blue Devil, went dow there and smacked him w/his tail....Other than that, no one has messed with him.

PS, how do I edit my profile to show my tank info?

Hey again!

Well your tank is still to young IMO for an anemone. Your looking at somewhere between 8 to 12 months for your tank to mature. They are very finicky to new water and will perish rather quickly fouling your tank. Also I think you need more LR as well.

Also there is no guarantee that your clown will even have anything to do with it. I know that it is very cool to see this relationship, and I love it myself, but you must take these things into consideration.

Sounds good! I defer to the more experienced advice. Thanks for the help. Should the clown start swimming in other parts. He even stays up top at night....
Uh clowns are funny hence the name clown fish. :) They will most certainly act and do strange things. I honestly think though that your clown will come down, start swimming, pick a spot, and defend it to the death. In other words he will get acclimated and will then become boss of the tank even over the damsel's. ;)
LOL! I have always liked clowns, but have never seen too many w/out the anemone, so it is funny watching him/her "waddle" through the water. I was really surprised when I did my 1st water change that my Blue Devil had on of his fins gnawed on, he is the most aggressive in the tank. I am thinking the major problem was my not balancing the PH in the new water (sometimes I am a quick learner). I got everything else right, salinity and temp...I have well water so the PH tends to be low.
i have a similar tank setup. i have a

55g tank established for about 3 years.
4 x 65 watt jbj PC
70 lbs LR fiji
Uv Sterilizer
CPR bakpak2 skimmer reefready
Ammo .0
nitrite 0
Nitrate0 - .05
SG 1.024
ph 8.2

i have been wanting to retry anemones for a while looking to get a LTA for my tomato clown since he is the only tank inhabitant besides my CBS

do i meet the requirements for a LTA?
MGHslowell - Looks like you do meet the requirements. Just keep your nitrates down and you should be fine. Cover the intakes.

What kind of substrate do you have and how deep? LA says you need at least 4"'s of sand or rubble for the LTA. Not sure on that one.
Quck ?. Do I just feed the clown regular flake food, like my damsels? Should I add anything else?
Hmmmm, he's is eating, water looks good. I added two new chunks of LR, one with a cave and another with all kinds of holes. My clown is now swimming a littler lower, but still hangs out at the top of the water, even during lights out....He doesn't seem stressed and one one is bothering him. Do you think he will find a place other than near the top of the water?

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