clown knife getting very large

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 19, 2004
Forestville Ca
i have an 18" clown knife in a 100gal tank right now. I'm going to be getting my tax money back soon and I want to use it for a new tank for him. So my questions are; does anyone own a full grown clown knife right now? and what size tank is he living in? or what size tank would he be happy living in? I need some dimensions so i can know height width length. Thanks if you can help
You are in for a surprise you may not like.

I've seen one at over 4 feet.

A four foot fish will need 300gal or even more.

If it's in excellent condition, and you're lucky, you could give him to a public aquarium. That is, If you can't make room for him. :?
4ft? 8O dang...those are such nice fish too. :( isn't there a mini version of it? if not, somebody really should make one!

...and i think a 4ft fish is going to need more than a 300 gal. 500 would be the absolute minimum, figuring you'd like to have the tank at least as long as twice the fish's body length, it's body length in depth, then about two feet tall.

i hope you have a niiiiiiice tax return!!
There are African brown knives which only get to about a foot, and black ghost knives that get to a bit over a foot. The ghost knives are almost as pretty as clowns, or prettier depending on your taste.

I would suggest you start looking at 400-500g tanks too.
...or if you find out ahead of time that a local aquarium will take the fish then you could go with something smaller than 400-500gallons and just donate it when it gets to be too large for the tank you bought.
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