Clown Loach and a Plec?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 4, 2004
Scotland, UK
Just wondering, if I got a clown loach, would it conflict with the 4" common pleco I have in the tank... and would it touch the neons, a balloon molly, and molly fry in the tank. I have quite a few snails so I want to get rid of them!
Since the tank is 27 gal. you should not get a clown loach unless you are going to upgrade soon. The reasons are:
1. They can get up to a foot long.
2. They are social and they like to be with other clown loaches.

I have two of them in my 55 gal. and even I'm going to have to upgrade soon. I bought them a year ago when they were only 1 in. long each and now they are 5 inches long!
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