Clown loach feeding problem

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 3, 2017
Clown loaches seem really hard to feed. Mine are in a 50g with some plates angels and zebra Danios. It seems though that the loaches never get any food because yes, the food drops and lays on the bottom for a while, but the plates and angels get there first, leaving almost non I suppose for the loaches.
So, how can i tell if my loaches are eating OK, and how much should I feed them.
Do they look fat or skinny ?
How long have you had them ?
How long have you been feeding them this food?
I have had my clowns for 15 years and think they would eat a hamburger if they wanted to or not ? Sometimes they swarm to the food and sometimes they just search it out when they please.
See how much food you can feed before food is left over by slowly increasing how much you feed. Maybe ignore the 5 minute rule for a while ? I see food hanging around sometimes but never later in the day or the next .
I feed slow sinking pellets mostly but they went crazy for zucchini when I offered it for my BNP ! If you are real worried see if they ignore froze blood worms ...Not many fish do .
The loaches look more slender than plump and I've had them for about a month now. I feed the entire tank omega one freshwater flakes. And I've been feeding it to them for 2 weeks now. I'll try to see if I can feed more so they can have some left over. Maybe I can try using a turkey blaster to squirt food in their direction. Also, maybe I can try getting some Hikari sinking wafers for them. If I do get it, how should I feed it to much? BTW, these loaches are just juveniles about 2 and a half inches long.
I would look for a slow sinking pellet like New Life Spectrum. Get 1mm and all your fish will eat it. IMO to feed enough flakes to fill a loach or angel you will foul your tank.
Even if all food is eaten it turns to waste, get a more solid food then just flake IMO.
If you can't find the New Life pellets, Try Omega One Small Grain Sinking Cichlid Pellets. I use them for my Tiger and Red Fin Botia Loaches. I believe the New Life Brand is probably a little better product, but it's not readily available in my area.
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