CO2 adapter for paintball, help.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 23, 2014
Los Angeles
I already have an 88g regulator from the kit I bought. Pictured here
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1394093938.534006.jpg
And I also have the needle valve with the counter
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1394093966.443882.jpg

BUT what my question is, is this all I need to attach a paintball co2 tank to it or do I still need to purchase a cO2 tank adapter? I've researched online and it's not helping.

I just wanna know what else I need in order to use a paintball co2 cylinder.

You need to add a One-Way Check Valve to the Co2 tubing, after the Bubble Counter. Then from the Check Valve, add Co2 Tube into the tank and attach it to a Co2 Diffuser, that will dissipate the gas into tiny bubbles that absorb into the water column. You will also want to get a Co2 indicator kit. It somewhat accurately gauges the level of Carbon in the water, meaning you'll know if the amount is too much, too little, or OK.
You need to add a One-Way Check Valve to the Co2 tubing, after the Bubble Counter. Then from the Check Valve, add Co2 Tube into the tank and attach it to a Co2 Diffuser, that will dissipate the gas into tiny bubbles that absorb into the water column. You will also want to get a Co2 indicator kit. It somewhat accurately gauges the level of Carbon in the water, meaning you'll know if the amount is too much, too little, or OK.

I actually have a diffuser already, I just forgot to include a photo. So I think all I need now is the attachment valve. Thanks!
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