CO2 Bubble Count?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 30, 2004
New Jersey, USA
I am finishing up my installation of a CO2 Injection System.

Milwaulkee Regulator
Milwaulkee SMS 122 ph controller
Aqua Medic 1000 Reactor

1) What "Bubble Count" should I adjust my needle valve for?

2) When calibrating the ph controller should I float the solution in the package in the tank to obtain the tank temperature?

3) What tank pressure should I refill my tank?

4) Is it necessary to have a check valve on the CO2 tubing?

I would not be terribly concerned about bubble count, but rather use your target pH as a goal. You have to start somewhere, though, so I'd try 2-3 bubbles/second or so and see what happens over the course of the day.

Do not get your calibration packet near your tank.

I don't know the exact pressure pressure, but you don't want it to run completely out. Hopefully when you turn your tank in they will just exchange it for a full one on the spot so you don't have a delay in getting it hooked back up.

I think you DO need a check valve on your CO2 tubing if you are using a controller. When the controller shuts off the gas, the tubing will tend to syphon water down. I don't think it can go anywhere (someone correct me if I am wrong) but it just takes the gas more time to force the water out of the tube when it does turn back on.
So I should put a check valve between the bubble counter and the reactor? Not necessarily between the bubble counter and the CO2 tank?
Just like you need CO2 tubing, you need a CO2 resistant check valve. I believe if the CO2 gas backs up into the solenoid or regulator, it will destroy it. The check valve goes between the reactor and bubble counter. They aren't cheap either (what is for a pressurized system)? I bought mine through Aquaticstore for $17.99.

TG is correct about the bubble count. Alot depends on the KH and pH. I think it's really neat to be able to dial in a pH. I have mine set at 1/4 seconds and that maintains a pH of between 6.7 and 7.0.
Thanks Brian and TG, I guess I have to shell out another $18 to play it safe. I have been setting up my 55g for a month now. It seems like every time you turn around you have to spend more money. Well, at least I am getting to the completion of the set-up! I don't expect any other major expenses now, I hope LOL.

Thanks again,

I found the check valve online and will be ordering today.
Its not the CO2 gas backing up into the solenoid or regulator that causes damage. It's when liquid CO2 enters them (due to the cylinder falling over), or water entering (due to the cylinder going empty, and no check valve to stop the siphon action).
I have set up the same setup recently. I started out at a slow bubble count and slowly raised it to get a 6.9 ph. It is now about 1 bubble per second on my 50 gal. tank. I put the check valve in the line several inches out of the tank, otherwise it takes a while to push the water out of the tubing before you get CO2 in the tank.
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