cob web in my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 2, 2005
I have a blackish brown cob web like substance in my tank on the gravel. I am new to the hobby since december. I have a 55 gal saltwater tank, with 1 clarki clown fish and 2 brittle star fish. What could this be?? I really need some help, I dont have any water readings yet, i will get them today. Attached is a picture of it. When I remove it, it comes back almost the next day


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I think it is a type of cyano and will continue to proliferate if you have high nutrient content. I would try to remove all of it and check your phosphate level (need to get those down if elevated). Sounds exactly like what I had in one of my tanks and that was the problem. Hope this helps but, a picture might help confirm.
Get us an image. That will help us to give you a better idea of what it is.

It could be cyano, but I really think we need more info before saying that for sure. Cyano usually has air bubbles in it as well.

Get us some water readings as well.
thanks for you help. I attached a picture of it as well, hopefully this will help determining what it is

I attached a picture as well. I hope this will help. And thank you for all of yours

I does look like cyano. Can you give us some tank history? How old is the tank? What are your phosphate and nitrate readings? Like already mentioned, cyano is the byproduct of to many nutrients in the water. It can be managed once you find the fuel source. Adding some extra water flow to the area may help as well.

Welcome to AA. :D
Yep, that looks like cyano to me. Start by siphoning it off. Get some of the sand too. Is it on other surfaces as well?

I also think we need the tank history and water readings. You have to stop the problem at its root, or it will never stop.
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