Cockatoo cichlid compatibility?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 4, 2020
Hi all!

I have been hoping to set up a 20 gallon high tank soon and have been thinking about stocking. I was thinking a cockatoo cichlid or 2, 6 celestial pearl danios, and 6 panda Cory catfish. Will this work? Would Bolivian rams be better then the cockatoos?

The apisto would have to be a single male or a pair, or 1m:3f. The celestial Pearl's wont do well with any fish much larger as they're shy and edible. The panda Cory's will be fine. Green neons or cardinal tetras would be my vote with apistos. Same temp preferences.
79 ideally. Panda Cory's will tolerate upper 70's while preferring mid/lower 70s. Apistos would be the fussy celebrity in this drama so they get their way or it's a problem.
In a 20 long, the corys may be too much for the apistos. My apistos in my 29g would not have tolerated me adding corys.
In a 20 long, the corys may be too much for the apistos. My apistos in my 29g would not have tolerated me adding corys.
Theyll be fine. If you're breeding it's a different story. The Cory's will hunt eggs and apistos will defend to the end. If you're not breeding than this will still happen but you wont be bummed about lost fry.
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