Cockatoo cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 13, 2013
Hi I'm considering a cockatoo cichlid. I would like some advice on suitable tank mates and what kind of temperament they have. I planning on putting him in a 160L/42G tank.

This is ideally how I would stock.
1x Cockatoo cichlid
1x Dwarf Blue Gourami
8x Ember Tetras
4x Kuhli Loaches
4x Sterbai Corydoras
1x Bristlenose Pleco

Any advice would be much appreciated. :)
Your stock looks pretty good. It's actually pretty light IMO. Maybe bump Cory's to 6 and add another school of tetra? I really like the red blue tetras that I have. Also rainbows would be a good fit as well.
Really? I suppose I was just trying to play it safe haha. Yeah I'll probably add another 2 Cory's and another 2 embers and pick another lot of tetras. Thanks for the advice. Have you had any experience with cockatoos?
Are they kept in community tanks?
Cacatoos are a great fish, very peaceful and great for community tanks. I have a breading pair in a 90 gallon community tank. If you get a female he will really show his colours and if it's we'll planted the babies have someplace to hide.
Have 24 in a 65 for about 3 months now and have never seen em school. Boring but pretty fish.

If the cockatoo your talking about is Apistogramma cacatouides, I would be cautious with the embers, people underestimate their mouths. I wouldn't trust my cacas with the embers... But they are with 4in long 6-7 in high angels that don't bother them, go figure.
Yes they are apisto's and I have revised the stock list to not include the Embers.

4x Cockatoos m/f/f/f
1x DBG
10x Neon Tetra
10x Rummynose Tetra
6x Sterbai Cory's
5x Kuhli Loach
2x Starlight Bristlenose
That's what aqadvice said should be ok. Bit much?
You should be ok. You are going to have lots of fun with all those females in your tank. He is going to be going crazy and to busy chasing them around to notice the rest of the fish.

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